Dr. Maria Montessori, a 20th century educational pioneer and the first female physician in Italy, researched & developed what has become known as the Montessori method. At the heart of this approach is the observation of the child as the basis for ongoing instruction. The child has within a natural desire to learn. The role of the teacher is to prepare a learning environment that awakens this desire and to recognize “sensitive periods” in the development of each individual child. Through her observation of challenged, typical, and gifted children, Montessori developed a curriculum of hands-on materials for all areas of development. The Montessori approach places emphasis on educating the whole child, covering all aspects of development - intellectual, social, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. In a world that often seems hurried and over-stimulating, this simple, yet precise, philosophy and materials of Montessori help to fill the basic needs of children. Although the Montessori method was developed decades ago, it is even more relevantand attend by the largest number of children around the world today.
Our Features
Environment A careful preparation of a stimulating environment is an essential ingredient for the successful development of children. At Little Kingdom, our school offers a rich and varied environment—from individual activity tables to open floor areas. Our learning environments that include an attractive and intriguing array of learning materials, books, plants, animals, art and music materials, gardening and nature activities invites exploration and fully meets the developmental needs of young children. From the moment the child enters the classroom, each step in his education is seen as a progressive building block, ultimately forming the whole person, in the emergence from childhood to adult.
Teaching Materials and aids The classroom is characterized by authentic Montessori materials as well as a wide range of purpose designed materials that are attracting children to engage in learning activities of their own individual choice. These materials help students grasp solid academic concepts, thus building a solid foundation for more complex academic learning in the years to come
The Teacher as a facilitator Consistent with the Montessori approach, teachers serve as facilitators to the children, providing gentle and respectful guidance and challenge of meaningful work. The primary goal of the guide is to free the student from dependence on direction. This builds self-esteem and gives the student a tremendous skill base for problem-solving, independent thinking and concentration. They respect the child’s need for self-accomplishment and use the tools of observation, patience, and judgment to know just when help is needed and when to allow a child to work something through on their own. Free to follow their own inner dictates, children acquire an unlimited ability to learn and develop a sense of order & sense of purpose.
Our Approach
Little Kingdom is a Progressive Montessori school. While the bulk of the activities are traditional Montessori activities, we also incorporate activities that we feel Maria Montessori would have embraced today, including new self-correcting materials and hands-on approaches and practice aids for both Pre-school & Kindergarten children for which the children become ready as they mature.
In our collective teaching experience, we have found the traditional Montessori materials to be among the most effective of any, anywhere. The learning tools are self-learning, self- guiding & self-correcting. So in our classrooms, the majority of the work will be traditional Montessori activities, especially in the Kindergarten & Lower Primary years. As children mature, they become able to handle abstract work, especially when concepts have been initially presented with hands-on Montessori materials.
The tasks that await them in higher grades are seen by these children as interesting and appealing, because their initial Montessori experiences have prepared and motivated them.
Building upon children's intrinsic desire to learn, our Montessori Environment, Materials and Guide provides the ideal environment full of opportunities for children to experiment and initiate their own education.
Operating on the principle of freedom within limits, Little Kingdom inspires children to work at their own pace.